Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hanna's Grandpa

I picked Hanna up at 5 pm this evening to celebrate her two-digit birthday. She was so excited about turning 10. Her grandfather had deteriorated so much since I saw him last week. Her aunts told me how much they appreciated me getting her out of the house for a few hours. They didn't expect her grandfather to live through the night.
I got her home at 8:00 and Hanna called me at 8:29 to tell me her Dad had died. She sobbed into the phone so I just talked. I know I told her that her grandpa (whom she calls Dad) was in a place now where he could look out for her and that he would love her always. I told her she was hurting so bad right now because she loved her grandfather so much and would miss him. I told her what a great grandpa he was and what a great granddaughter she had been.
She will be fine, I know, but Bill and I were both just in a daze when we got off the phone. My heart goes out to her and her family who have suffered so many losses.


Sue said...

Hugs to Hanna!!!

Mary said...

What a sad day for Hannah. I also can't help thinking that her 10th birthday (which I know was a big one for ME) is associated also with the day her grandpa/dad died. I am glad that she had you to talk to her last night when she needed you.

Lynne said...

How sad for Hanna. Were you celebrating her birthday on the actual day of her birth or was it a celebration just around the date? Little Hanna has been through so much in her 10 short years. I'm glad she has you and Bill to turn to in the loss of her Dad/Grandpa.

Diane T said...

What a sad day for Hanna. She has experienced so much sadness in her young years.

Darrell said...

Big hugs to Hanna. I had my first major loss at 10, and I can remember it as if it were yesterday. It did make me a stronger person I think. From what little I know about her, it sounds as if she has been through a lot in her short life. May she grow strong from this terrible loss. Judy, tell Hanna that we are all thinking about her today.

Diane B said...

I am sad for Hanna and happy that she has you in her life to help her through the rough times and to show her good times.