Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I Can't Believe It

This is my last day to get ready for the cruise. I'm almost packed and almost ready so today will be a finish up day. Since I can't sleep tonight, it might be a rough day!
I can't believe that Bill and I have been married thirty-nine years (May 2) and that we are celebrating with a cruise.
I can't believe we are actually going on a cruise again after swearing we'd never get on a ship again after our first one. LOL
I can't believe that I will see Holland, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Denmark and Russia. I've never been to any of those places so this will be exciting just to see something so different.
I can't believe we are going on a dance cruise when we don't dance. We will be taking lessons on board, I can't believe that either.
I can not believe that we are going on a cruise with my daughter's new in-laws (our consuegras) and some of their family and friends. I should be a bit nervous about this and perhaps I will be later but right now I'm just excited.
I can't believe our total travel time to get to Amsterdam is 15 hours and 10 minutes. Yikes. I will make sure I have sound reduction ear phones and maybe some Tylenol PM. I want to make sure I sleep some of that 15 hours. Actually I'd like to be knocked out until we arrive there but that's not going to happen. LOL
We will have computer access on the ship. That is comforting. :) I think if we had had communication to the land on our first cruise from hell, we would have faired much better. That, and the hurricanes, and frigid weather, a bizillion kids on board, not being able to get off the ship in port, and everyone's short tempers did not make for good cruising.
Bill is reading up on the places we will be seeing and has been filling me in on some things. For instance, I can't believe that in Amsterdam you can go into a coffees shop and order a coffee and a marihuana cigarette. No lie! It gets more interesting after that.
I can't believe the art museums I will be able to visit on this trip and whodathunk I'd ever see Russia. Not me. Just the name invokes a bit of fear in me, probably in my generation.
I'll have lots to talk about I'm sure so stay tuned if you dare.


Sue said...

LOL. Believe it!!! I cannot wait to see the pictures and hear the story. I would be anxious too. I do not travel well and that is a LONG time just to get there.

Mary said...

Have fun, Judy! I will look forward to reading about your experiences.

Mary said...

Stay away from those marijuana cigarettes. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Have a very wonderful time and will forward to hearing all about it when you return..maybe it will convince me to cruise again. My one and only cruise was not the best experience either!

Victoria said...

Good luck, Bon boyuage,stay well, have fun, take pictures, write stories. Blessed be.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

This sounds like a great trip. Enjoy it and have lots of fun. Please tell us all about it when you get home. I look forward to hearing about your experiences.

Peggy said...

Sounds like a great trip Judy. You really do sound very up for it all! Those will all be great places to visit. BTW, you can't order MJ in just any coffee shop in the Netherlands--you have to look for the little leaf on the signs. Hope you have good weather!

Darrell said...

Judy: Can't wait for your post from Amsterdam. I imagine it being a little like this:

"Bill and I are, wow, just like, chillin', ya know? I mean, wow, we're just enjoying the coffee shops here with their coffee, and other stuff! Wow, it's like, man, I just can't explain how it's so, I mean, just, wow. We are just so excited to just, wow. Hope you all know how important this all is. I mean, the FOOD!!! Doritoes! Pop-tarts! Hot Pockets! Didn't know Europe had such culinary delights! WOW!!!!

We tried the marijuana, but it doesn't seem to have any effect on us. Wow. That's like, so weird man! Everybody else here is so affected by it, but all it does is make us laugh like idiots, and eat like crazy. No thank you! Anyway, I need to go now. Bill says it's time to go back to the coffee shops. Seventh time today he's said that. Oh well, hubby knows best. Hugs, Judy.